
Lisa Battalia


buy awake
buy awake
Buy Second Chances
buy second chances

Hello! I’m Lisa and I have just published my newest novels: A two book series — A Midlife Romance — the unexpected story of a sexy, precarious romance – and highly relatable to anyone experiencing a messy and meaningful midlife transition.

Your stories are well written and moving…The collection is so powerful…It needs to be in the world for others to read.

, Miverva Rising Press

A romance novel for the rest of us. You know, the moms surrounded by screaming kids and nagging your husband to take the damn garbage out already… This is the book for us, ladies, it has arrived.

Awake and Second Chances are sooo good!

Second Chances delivers a sizzling hot story with plenty of opportunities for readers to see the chemistry between the two characters.

This second Midlife Romance book is just as delicious as the first, and I love that these characters are so relatable… I was completely invested in the couple.

This story is sexy and romantic. I loved the story, it was very emotional and the characters were full of depth. I highly recommend.

, Goodreads

Check out my award-winning short stories.

“Bravo on creating a romance story that succeeds on multiple levels, including as a sexy novel about real, grownup people figuring out who they are and how to be happy.”
Reader Review

I’d love to hear from you about your own midlife transformations.